World Soybean Research Conference IX

 (Fuente: Newsletter January 2013) Dear Colleagues:

The countdown has officially started – with only a few weeks to go before the beginning of the World Soybean Research Conference in Durban, South Africa, this is your last chance to register and be part of this prestigious event. 

The Organising Committee has worked extremely hard to make 2013’s programme as insightful and inspiring as possible. The Conference will be the occasion for all ‘Soybean People’ to get together, network and share knowledge on an international level.
For more information or to register, please visit the website on

Agronomy Day

The WSRC – 2013 programme is going to feature a panel discussion on Agronomy in session one (1) on Thursday, 21 February 2013. This panel discussion will be coordinated by Dr. Richard Joost.

The first part of the panel discussion will focus on Biotechnology under the auspices of the world renowned Prof. Scott Jackson, supported by several experts and farmers from the United States, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and others.The second part, on sustainability, will be led by the famous Dr. Bill Wiebold, joined by expertise from Brazil, Argentina, U.K., U.S., etc.

The farmer who holds the world record for the highest yield in tons per hectare (bushels/acre) in soybeans, the one and only Mr. Kip Cullers will not only deliver a keynote address but will also take part in the debate.

This is a must for all soybean farmers!

The Gala Dinner


There is still time to sign up for the Gala Dinner taking place at the Durban ICC on the 21 February 2013. Join us for a memorable evening of delicious South African cuisine and entertainment.

Responsible Soy Breakfast

The Round Table on Responsible Soy Association invites to participate at the Responsible Soy Breakfast at the Durban Hilton Hotel (12-14 Walnut Road), close to the venue of the WSRC IX. The breakfast will start with a short presentation by the organization´s CEO Agustin Mascotena, and give the opportunity for a Q&A session and discussion on relevant topics. The breakfast will open its doors at 7am and finish 8:30am.
About the RTRS
RTRS is a consensus based initiative which represents many and varied stakeholders from smallholders to global producers, retailers and NGOs with a wide range of views. RTRS enables these groups to have a global dialogue and reach a consensus on how best to ensure economically viable, socially equitable and environmentally sound soy production.The RTRS Production Standard defines five principles of responsible soy production with key criteria and practical requirements for each area.

1.  Legal compliance and good business practice.
2.  Responsible labour conditions.
3.  Responsible community relations.
4.  Environmental responsibility.
5.  Good agriculture practices.

If you wish to participate at the breakfast please confirm by writing, or call +54 11 45198005. More information on the RTRS can be found on the website

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